I just thought i would say hi. I found this forum a while ago and have been lurking for some time. I am sure i am like a lot of you. i Can't get enough of organzized crime books, shows, movies. It started as a past time but now its turned into a study. Some people are obsessed with old westerns and the wild west, well this is my version. I not only enjoy the topic from the gangster stand point but also from the law stand point, i like reading about a lot of the passionate fbi and local police that have fought the mob for years. Each side has a great story to tell, good and bad.

LOL sometimes i look at my mob hardcover book collection ( totaling 94 books) and i think, THERES NOT ENOUGH OUT THERE! i can't get enough. So hopefully being here will satisfy my craving for conversation. Its fun to talk about current events in the world of crime.

thanks for having me

"Thank God for the American Jury System" - Nicky Scarfo