Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
True to that. But on the other hand, remember Vincent's reaction to Michael saying that all his life he wanted out, while Vincent wanted to move back in. This indicates that he wanted to restore the Corleone's criminal enterprise, instead of seeking legitimacy.

But I do like you're idea. It's very interesting.

The best concept would be a combination of all these elements. Vincent who heads the Corleone crime family, while Michael's son Anthony takes over Michael's legitimate corporation. Both organizations still closely connected and sharing their enormous wealth and network of businessmen and politicians.

Anthony would never have anything to do with the business, especailly after what happened to his sister... Or would he? "Curse of the father" sort of thing, perhaps. Where the death of his sister draws him in the way the hit on Vito drew Michael in. Though I have to say, that Anthony might wind up as more of a Fredo, perhaps.

And while Michael was trying to push into "legit" enterprise, that is really just another cover for more nefarious activity, like gun running, national imperialism, etc. Even the big dogs are into some shady stuff, Halliburton-like companies and so forth.

“I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.” ~John Gotti