I wanted to respond to something you said earlier. You said I was arguing that Melfi had a responsibility to future potential rape victims to tell Tony about what happened to her. That's not what I was saying. I'm not Dr. Melfi. She had to make a decision on whether or not to tell Tony based on her own conscience and her own principles. The decision was hers to make. But just because someone has a right to make their own decision about something doesn't mean that I or someone else doesn't have the right to be disappointed about that decision if it wasn't what we were hoping for. Suppose I hope that Clint Eastwood will make another western (I don't, but let's just suppose for the sake of argument). Eastwood is totally within his rights to decide (as I believe he actually has) that Unforgiven will be his last western, that he will never make another one. But that doesn't mean I don't have a right to be disappointed about his decision if I wanted another Eastwood western.

I raised the issue of possible future rape victims not because I believed this made Melfi obligated to tell Tony, but because I feel it's something that must be considered in evaluating whether it would have been "moral" for her to tell Tony. I don't think it's at all obvious that telling him would have been the morally wrong thing to do like many people seem to say without even thinking about it.

Let me tell ya somethin my kraut mick friend!