Originally Posted By: Lilo
Part of that could work but for me the more interesting bit of any modern Godfather movie or any mob movie period would be how such people operate in a world of RICO (with very flexible standards of proof), Witness protection programs, incredible electronic/audio/visual surveillance, defectors/informants and declining (non-existent??) ability to prevent/soften prosecution.

What made the first two movies so great was that they mixed reality, history and fantasy so well. How would Vincent or any of his leaders operate in a world where that new associate could be an FBI agent, one of their friends got 60 years for waving hi to someone outside of a restaurant, and even the boss can't just call in favors from a Senator any more?

EXCELLENT points, Lilo. They couldn't really get away with the idea of there being no legal repercussions for the Corleones in this day and age.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.