This thread may seem a little bit out of place because it's not what we're used to seeing. But the debate here is over dubious claims by an alleged mobster. It's a false persona, clear from the start. But I've begun to almost admire the author for his consistency both in writing and "opinions". I'll let the link speak for itself.

Here's some background info: Askmen is a subsidary of IGN Entertainment (which is owned by News Corp.) IGN branched off from being a video gaming network, and has controlled, the highest trafficked film aggreggator, and its own wrestling corporation. Askmen is basically IGN's version of GQ magazine, and one of its most popular features is "Mr. Mafioso". The articles are "written" by a soldier in the mob. It seems like a joke at first, but you begin to realize that the author puts mantains a consistent persona throughout the hundreds of articles, has develeoped fictional associates for all his lessons, and almost comes off as a believable character. The public buys into it. And for a while, it might even feel like a novel. Of course its nothing to be taken seriously. But here are some interesting sub-features:

"Mob Movie Lessons": Our author deconstructs dozens of gangster films and other media, even as recent as Boardwalk Empire. Some of it dates way back to.

"Lessons From...": Esentially the scene, but from real life examples. New one is lessons from the infamous 1919 world series, one on the Lufthansa heist too.

Also of note, a couple of them analyze famous criminals, as well as dictators, and their successes and failures. Some of it is also his simplified take on mafia history. And many of the articles tackle generational issues. Figured this would be something fresh. Just don't take it too seriously.