A chap is fed up with the stress and rigours of modern life, so he decides to join a Tibetan monastery to get away from it all. The head monk agrees to let him stay so long as he works and observes the vow of silence. In fact he is only allowed to say 2 words every five years!

So for 5 years the man works the fields,chops wood,tends cattle and sleeps in a little cell with a moldy old, holy blanket. After 5 years the head monk comes to him and says he can have his 2 words and the chap says "More blankets!"

Another 5 years of hard work later and he is allowed another 2 words. "More food!" he says this time.

5 years on again and the head monk comes to him again . "I'm leaving" he says this time.

"Thank God for that", says the monk, "you have done nothing but complain the whole time you have been here!"

Last edited by Yogi Barrabbas; 11/03/10 08:28 AM.

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!