Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Before he died Brando delivered a speech/rant on Larry King about how every other ethnic group in America is stereotyped in Hollywood films EXCEPT for jews.

Marlon Brando, brilliant as he was, could be a real asshole at times. It's funny that he turned down the Oscar because he didn't like the way American-Indians were stereotyped by Hollywood, yet he had no qualms at all about propagating a negative Italian-American stereotype in his portrayal of Don Corleone. He was a fucking hypocrite in that regard.

And Jews aren't stereotyped? PUH---LEEZE.

Oh Brando was a giant hypocrite. Also, didn't it end up coming out that the native American woman who accepted the Oscar on his behalf wasn't actually native American? Or am I mistaken?

Originally Posted By: Turnbull

...and if they did, Italian groups (like the Italian-American Civil Rights League, headed by Joe Columbo) lobbied to remove references to "Mafia" and "Cosa Nostra".


Were the words "Mafia" and "Cosa Nostra" omitted from the film because of pre assure from Italian groups, or was that done as a stylistic choice by Puzo and Coppolla? That may seem like an amateaurish question, I had just always assumed those words had been excluded as 'style' choice.