Originally Posted By: Danito
1) Castellano did not refuse because of the salary. His wife who had a minor role as Mrs. Clemenza in GF1 took over the correspondence with Coppolla.

2) In the comment on GF2 FFC says that he more or less simply replaced Clemenza by Pentangeli. To me it makes perfect sense: The betrayal of Clemenza to whom Michael had a very close relationship would have been another piece of the whole picture: Michael loses all the people who meant something to him and/or kills them. His relationship to Pentangeli is loyalty because of his father. His relationship to Clemenza is friendship or even a nephew-uncle-relationship.
There were a few minor changes, like the black armband of Pentangeli. Even the appearance of the brother at the hearing makes sense: We had seen old Clemenza in GF, we see young Clemenza in GF2, and now we'd see his Sicilian roots.
Also: In the end, Tom says "you were always interested in politics and history. I remember you calling about Hitler back in '33." This refers to the scene in GF where Clemenza says to Michael: "You know you got to stop them at the beginning, like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich."

WOW!!! very interesting input! This reference makes alot of sense. I didn't think of that before, but I guess it does make sense. I just don't wanna believe that about dear old Clemenza.

"From now on, nothing goes down unless I'm involved. No blackjack no dope deals, no nothing. A nickel bag gets sold in the park, I want in. You guys got fat while everybody starved on the street. Now it's my turn." (King of New York)