Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Lmao good one pb! In all seriousness though, it just never made sense to me that Oswald would want Kennedy dead for reasons relating to Kennedy's position as anti-communist or a "phony" psuedo-commie.

You just said it right there Nitti- "phony" is exactly the way SOME viewed Kennedy--and the current President as well I might add. Because in their mind there's never been a "real" election with real choices. The cartel known as world government took over centuries ago in conjunction with manipulation of the financial markets and control over the gold supply and they don't let the people decide a damn thing...or so goes the mantra. whistle

That's ONE possiblitity, but I don't know enough about civic structure and hierarcy to make such a claim. Nor do I know enough to come to the conclusion that a conspiracy within the military industrial complex and rogue elements of government and state would even be possible or plausible.

That's why I try to listen to people like olivant who've made a living studying the machinations and movings of government because government is really the most essential part of our society. smile Almost everything in our collective human experience comes together in some way or form through government. And I don't know a damn thing about it outside of what one can read in a book, but one has to be involved in the process I think to truly understand the correlation between so many government agencies around the world; their history, the historical, legal and economic factors that drive them; their correlation with one another and the institutions dependant on them, etc..

But I do know Texas. And I know that even though LBJ had a good heart he was a ruthless son of a bitch*. And I know that a lot of good little boys and girls in Texas are taught growing up that being a Texan means you're apart of SOMETHING bigger. What that something is, is sort of unsaid or unspoken but I've been able to better conceptualize it as I've gotten older and it sort of shames me to speak of it. And I have no doubts envisioning LBj and his Texas good ole boys in conjuction with WASPS in Connecticut and Massachusetts like the Bushes (George Bush was Director of Central Intelligence and head of the Central Intelligence Agency from 30 January 1976 to 20 January 1977) getting together to take out this Irish Catholic marxist Kennedy who was going to install social and civic legislation that would change American society forever. And thus, Camelot and the New Frontier were reduced to smithereens that day in Dallas.

Civic reform came through LBJ, and no president perhaps ever was responsible for more civic legislation than Lydon Baines Johnson, but what if Kennedy had lived?? You don't think he would have been pushing for things like universal healthcare and other social programs that are despised and loathed by many in this country even today??

Think about it....

*=LBJ was also 100% Scottish with not a drop of Irish blood in his lineage. The ONLY president in the history of this country to not contain atleast partial Irish descent. Needless to say he certainly had no qualms about disliking the Kennedy brothers and their self-proclaimed "Irish Mafia."