Lmao good one pb! In all seriousness though, it just never made sense to me that Oswald would want Kennedy dead for reasons relating to Kennedy's position as anti-communist or a "phony" psuedo-commie. People on the right were accusing Kennedy of being a Marxist from day 1 and it wouldn't seem logical that Oswald would think the killing of Kennedy would somehow help advance Marxism, if anything, it would hinder the movement.

No, I think Kennedy was killed because he was trying to bring down the military industrial complex. He said something along the lines of "I want to smash the CIA into a million pieces and scatter its dust in the wind" or something to that effect. And in fact, Eisenhower had warned of the menace brought about by the military industrial complex in his farewell speech in office.

Think about the ramifications of Kennedy's statement, though. Imagine the controversy today if Obama threatened to smash the CIA into a million pieces. I'm not saying that would necessarily be in our best interests as a nation, but it does go to support the hypothesis that Kennedy was killed for trying to expose and destroy the secret and shadow elements of government and really perhaps an effort on his part to stop imperialism all together. Something that is still quite relevant today as the imperialist powers of the military industrial complex continue to menace the globe.

Listen to this speech Kennedy gave on trying to bring down Secret Societies and the shadow-rogue elements of government. This is even more relevant today, and I don't think a president could even get away with saying this stuff now-days. John F. Kennedy was truly trying to change EVERYTHING for the better!