
the hit on Michael was set up to look like collateral damage in the flareup between the sicilian don who was hiding him and the new mobsters who were getting that post war construction money.

since this beef was real..... Mike later told his father that he himself,Don Vito, wouldn't have seen it as a hit on mike.

could it have been Fabrizio just turning rogue after the word got back that the tide had turned in America.

Surely Sonny's death must have changed what many thought the outcome of the war would be.....even in Sicily.

alliances would surely switch...

how else would a man who was around Mike 24/7 and could have easily shot him suddenly wire a car to kill Mike?

In retrospect...it was a perfect plan...

Mike looks like he just happened to get caught up in local beef...nobody ever figures it out...


Had to have been a third party who paid off Fabrizio and gotten him the fake passport and American identity....because if it was directly Barzini....he would have been taken out by them for botching the hit