Originally Posted By: olivant
Why am I not surprised that the Nation's fattest people are located in sothern states?

I'm fairly certain there's a correlation between obesity and poverty. I noticed that New York didn't make the list. But if you broke it down by zip code, I'm sure that the more poverty ridden areas of the Bronx and Brooklyn would be right up there. It's really an interesting paradox. Conventional wisdom says if you can't afford to eat you'll be thinner. But the truth is, if you can't afford to eat right, you're going to be heavier. Unfortunately, fruits and vegetables are a lot more costly than Doritos and sugared soft drinks. When you couple that with the lack of education that's so prevalant in those areas, many people just don't know enough to eat right until they already have diabetes and/or heart disease. And by that time, a lot of them just say f**k it.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.