The Highwaymen are THE biggest in Detroit. Yes the outlaws are larger nationaly but not in Detroit. Here is a story out of Billy Wads book thaat involes all three clubs to an extent. Its an interesting read. Below

security story I can tell you. It was a couple months before the Christmas party. The Jokers were another club probably located probably located a quarter to half a mile away from the clubhouse on Chapel Street in Brightmoor. And we had an altercation with a bunch of Highwaymen. Us and the Highwaymen were close at the time – the Devil’s Diciples and the Highwayman. They were a very major club in Detroit, probably the major club in Detroit. I introduced them and we had a real friendly, good relationship there for a long time. And the alternation occurred when BJ of the Highwaymen and Steve O of the Devil’s Diciples went to the Joker’s clubhouse after hours – meaning after 2:30 in the morning. And there was one Joker behind the bar. He was trying to show off because Jokers are small, mediocre club. Barely getting by. Being members of two of the major clubs, they raised a lot of eyebrows – everybody’s eyebrows – now you’re talking major, major concern on everyone’s part. So they were sitting there having idle conversation at the bar. From what I understood, one of the Jokers – you know, how you’ve got a starting line with a cap gun? – he pulled out the cap gun, being drunk.

“Watch this.” And shot into the air. Now that’s a no-no. Devil’s Diciples andHighwaymen – we don’t pull a gun out – period – even if it’s just a cap gun or starter gun. So when he did that, word got back to us – meaning their national boss, Mad Anthony of the Highwaymen, and the news got back to me, being Steve O’s boss, the west side boss.

The bosses came to a meeting – me, Fat Dog, Spike and Barefoot. Paulie, the Disciple’s national advisor, was there. We needed to have a conversation with the Jokers.

“That’s your territory,” Fat Dog said to me. “You’re going to get some people together. You’re going to have a conversation with them.“

“We’re going to handle our part. We’re going to handle this.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’ll go by and tell them you don’t treat Devil’s Diciples like that. You know, while they’re in the room, being drunk or not, don’t need to show off and just want to pull a starter pistol out. We’re going to make that very clear that that’s not going to happen again.”

“The Highwaymen were there, too, Billy. We’ve already talked about it, you know. I don’t want to step on toes and vice versa. But we got a crew together. Why don’t we go together?”

“Alright, we’ll go together.”

The Joker’s bar was called Dickie’s and we knew that’s where the Joker’s hung out. So probably 50 Devil’s Diciples and 75 Highwaymen went there. What we did – we posted security – Highwaymen and Devil’s Diciples – in the neighborhood. There were probably ten Highwaymen that had the street covered. And Devil’s Diciples had other streets covered. No way in or out of this bar for probably a one mile square area; we had everything covered. So we went in. No Jokers in the place. I guess word had got out somehow and I don’t know how. There were some supporters of the Jokers inside the bar. We walked in, sat down, ordered drinks. One of supporters of the Jokers name was Victor. He wore a 1% tattoo on his neck. He was not club affiliated; he just knew a lot of Jokers. Hung out. You know, he’d see the bikers would come in and he’d tried to fit in. The 1% tattoo is something that the Hell’s Angels, the Outlaws, they wore the 1% tattoo along with about four other clubs in the country. Meaning they’re the badest of the bad. He’s pointing to the tattoo and told one of the Highwaymen and some of the Devil’s Diciples, “you know what this means?” And everyone knew that it meant that he was a supporter of the 1% clubs. We took it as he supported the Outlaws. After that, a fight broke out. He got beat up severely. As soon as the first punch was thrown, Mad Anthony looked at me.

“There goes.”

Me, him and Barefoot were sitting at a table, guarded by about ten people. No one could get near us. So a lot of people got viciously beat up. The bartender was a loyal supporter of the Jokers also. While we were walking out – after the fight – it was just the flash of an eye. It all transpired and we left.

Bird came in – about a 300 pound Highwayman. A chapter boss of Detroit. The bartender pulled a gun out. Just trying to make an idle threat as we walked out. He put one in the chamber and Bird grabbed his 9mm.

“Put it away, put it away!”

Pop, pop, pop, pop – Bird shot all around the bar. The bartender just dropped his gun and went back behind the bar.

From there, we went a mile down to my bar. Closed it up, we all stayed in there. A couple phone calls were made. The Outlaws called Bird on his cell phone.

“Hey, this is a Highwaymen, Devil’s Diciples thing. There’s nothing to do with the Outlaws.”

TA was the regional boss of several states. He was top dog of the Outlaws in that region.

“Hey, the Jokers are on their own. Even though they are a federation club and we belong to the federation – they act like men, they’ll be treated like men. We just don’t want it to have nothing to do with us.”

“It has nothing to do with you,” Bird said, “unless you want it to have something to do with you.”

At that point, that lead to the high security at the Christmas party.