I'm with Lilo on this. I liked it as much as the Sopranos (although I never saw the final season). There's an interesting article in Playboy (last month, I think) where someone was very upset at the writing and how urban blacks were portrayed by white writers. It was an interesting article. I'll try and find the exact piece and post it.

Charlie Stella
Johnny Porno (April, 2010) Stark House Press
Mafiya: A Novel of Crime (January, 2008) Pegasus
Shakedown: A Novel of Crime (June, 2006) Pegasus
Cheapskates: A Novel of Crime (March, 2005) Carroll & Graf
Charlie Opera: A Novel of Crime (December, 2003) Carroll & Graf
Jimmy Bench-Press: A Novel of Crime (December, 2002) Carroll & Graf
Eddie's World: A Novel of Crime (December, 2001) Carroll & Graf