Originally Posted By: Mignon

I don't understand how you can say that.
Fort Hood attack and now Times square. Please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Fort Hood attacker in cahutes(sp) with terrorists?

Unless I'm mistaken, the Ford Hood attacker acted on his own (crazy) initiative. Because he's a Muslim, of course he is in "cahutes" with the terrorists. Did I understand you right Mig?

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
as McCain and all the righties who I believe are hoping for an attack to work,

With all due respect DT not all of us righties what an attack to go through. I pray to God that there will never be another one anywhere in the world.[/quote]

To be fair DT is only employing the same language the George W. Bush White House used, and technically no foreign* "terrorist" attacks did occur inside our borders during his Presidency.

Nor Obama's so far.

I mean Jesus the Right Wing in general has gone crackers when Glenn Beck comes off the sane one about the Miranda Rights hissy fit. I mean how the hell did that happen?

On a tangent note, notice the Obama Presidency hasn't exactly done much of the "reform" on the whole torture/legality logistics of detainees issue they had claimed they would conduct. Probably because they don't want the possible political whiplash if an attack did indeed happen.

Of course the Left in true partisan spirit haven't made thrown as much of a tantrum about it. Kinda like the Righties did when Dubya became the biggest spending Presidency since LBJ. At least we're bipartisan about something.

*=Exempting that whole Anthrax Scare. Remember?