He was a really quiet person the 2 places i was at with him and he was sick alot.U would see him walking the yard or tracks,etc.At Egler he was really sick.He locked on Base and i was on 2nd gallery in 1 block right next to the Hospital.I would chitchat with him because i was allowed out of my onemancell anytime besides during count and night because i was head "baseporter" so i could run up and down the galleries and do shit i shouldnt be like gettn drunk,high,etc.
Noone screwed with him including the guards as he was a KINDA celebrity.We never talked about anything of real substance though like persay his case or assisted suicide.
I dont believe he would have went to prison if he wouldnt have fired his lawyer Geoffrey Figer who had allready kept him out of prison,etc and then Dr. Jack decided he was smart enough to be his own lawyer-Stupid move but he made it out alive.