They sure played with the drama at the end of the movie; it wasn't Lefty who was killed, it was Sonny Black.

I don't buy the "open contract" either. And the way Pistone has been defending the agent up in Boston who went away for aiding Bulger's murders and escape, all it does is make me more suspicious of anything he (Pistone) has to say.

And they want the FBI to go after Ossam Bin Laden? Maybe they should focus on Bulger first.

Charlie Stella
Johnny Porno (April, 2010) Stark House Press
Mafiya: A Novel of Crime (January, 2008) Pegasus
Shakedown: A Novel of Crime (June, 2006) Pegasus
Cheapskates: A Novel of Crime (March, 2005) Carroll & Graf
Charlie Opera: A Novel of Crime (December, 2003) Carroll & Graf
Jimmy Bench-Press: A Novel of Crime (December, 2002) Carroll & Graf
Eddie's World: A Novel of Crime (December, 2001) Carroll & Graf