Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Especially since taxpayers already pay for the uninsured to be cared for in emergency rooms across the nation. If that person will have insurance, they will actually cost us LESS.

Now I have to honestly tell you that I think this train of thought is nothing but smoke and mirrors... Only Obama believers will think this way.

Obama's the other guy will pay for it gig is wearing thin.

So they have insurance now huh? Given to them by me paying more so they can have it right. So the taxpayer who is me and I've just paid more can save because they aren't being paid by the government tit so I saved money huh?

Question is which pocket are you taking the money out of, my left one or my right one? Because one is paying more and the other is saving it right. Of I see it is a wash...until....

now when these 32 million people who have not had insurance before , now have this insurance and they now can go into places and get help all start being fixed up because they now have insurance, the question is how much more is my rate going to go up once all these bill flood in and have to be paid by the insurance company?

Lets face it the insurance company isn't doing this at the goodness of their hearts. They are charging you the cost of all these bills and the cost of running this insurance company, better known as over head and then they need to have some profit and then they need to have some funds in their for their stock holder so they can invest...ect ect ect....

My mother goes out and buys a new dress and spends $300.00 on this new gown. My dad blows a fit because its $300.00, but Mom tells him that the gown use to be $600.00 so she just saved him $300.00 ...hahahha

A guy owes six McDonald fast food joins Each having 100 people working in it. Question is: How many people will he let go because he can't pay for all the extra insurance he has to give all these people.

Or the question is how much will his products go up to cover this extra overhead...so who is really paying once again for this insurance? that right it is me and you over and over again thru higher prices in thousands of places. Hidden in higher costs.

That is right it is going to save us money Right.- hhahahahha

You can't always listen to the salesman speech and not get screwed

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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!