Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

...and a whole crap-load of supposed soldiers, usually some 20 to 25 names...

But are they really still doing things? If so, then really with that many guys? Because there is a distinct lack of recent charges & crimes to speak of.

Now am i really just looking in all the wrong places? Because i tend to come to the conclusion that of the 30-odd names on the most referenced list, there is considerably less then a third actually active. Of course, i may be wrong - but it seems likely. There is an abundance of info on Balistrieri Sr, the "man who put Milwaukee on the (mafia's)
map", but scarcely any on his sons & supposedly strong Family. Did it basically disolve with his death? Google any of the names on the list, and the only reference to them is the list itself.

& so it was indeed a valid opinion.
Nothing for nothing, i did not expect a viable family operating, despite the lists floating around naming so many men.
Like many such charts, i tend to see them more a roll call of members over the last 20 to 30 odd years, rather than an actual chart, as such.
