Originally Posted By: olivant

Whether a state constitutional amendment can trump federal legislation is unclear.

Unclear? I'd like to read that legal brief!

Yeah that argument a state can deny federal supremacy has been around since Jefferson/Madison drafted those Annulments to the Adams Presidency arresting people for criticizing the government and banning foreigners from entering the country, etc. But once Jefferson became President, that shit hit the dirt. Hell he even betrayed his own political philosophy in his method of getting the Louisiana Purchase.

Then Calhoun tried that same card at federal tariffs, his South Carolina even openly rumbling about succession. Andrew Jackson threatened to personally march the American Army down there and lynch Calhoun himself, that issue died down again.

Then that whole Civil War thing, directly and indirectly about that whole slavery thing...yeah.

Then when the federal government was actually serious about protecting civil rights of blacks again in the 1950s/60s, you had southern states try to play that fucking card again. Got George Wallace nationally famous, led in someways to the mainstream resurgence of the Conservative political movement. But in substance? Why nothing.

Nobody ever believes in the principle of statte's rights, it's a situational cause.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/22/10 07:58 PM.