I know the "Gospel" according to the FBI and Ivy League is word.Thats what the LCN wants the FBI and Mob Watchers to believe.
Just cause we have only 2 known Newspaper bust doesnt mean $$$ arent flowing into the coffer or why would they risk it?We have 1 known "MADE" informant since the formation of "The Partnership"-Nove Tocco whom helped the Feds with the 1996 "Operation game tax" bust and look what they got.A few years out of the "Underboss"-Anthony "Joey Z" Zerilli and the other 16 or so defendants practically scated including the "Boss" who only did a year because underlings are not told something unless needed even family which Nove Tocco was related to both the Boss and Underboss,etc.If this was a New York family that was involved with the main plot around Hoffa or something somebody would have allready spettegolared and brought that story to a fabled close.
Also u tell Me which Family in the last Century had a Boss for 40+ years and now one that is going on30+years and kept there family so "Bloodline" oriented.-NONE.Most DetroitLCN have at least 1 relation in the family also.
MUch more mob activity doesnt mean more members.Somebody would be a scemo to think that.?It means more feds are watchn so they know more,more arrusos talkin about possible or bygone activity,and stupider schemes to make $$ that they constantly get busted for so it seems like theres mobsters all over when really u just got all the same guys chasin the same$$.Someone will get busted and tell about a Murder or something that happened 30 years ago that makes headlines to get out of trouble and that makes more OLD news.Solution:All these busones need to shut up"Omerta" and u wouldnt have as many LCN court cases.