Yes, some of Higgins could get tedious ... i've often gotten lost 2 pages into a monologue but those were books I think he was fighting himself on. He didn't like being labelled a crime fiction writer. He had major issues with it.

One of my favorites: "Life is hard, man. It's harder when you're stupid."

That Bruins game scene was a classic. How many times you think somebody in a Bruins crowd back in the day yelled out, "Number Four, Bobby Orr!"

Great stuff.

Charlie Stella
Johnny Porno (April, 2010) Stark House Press
Mafiya: A Novel of Crime (January, 2008) Pegasus
Shakedown: A Novel of Crime (June, 2006) Pegasus
Cheapskates: A Novel of Crime (March, 2005) Carroll & Graf
Charlie Opera: A Novel of Crime (December, 2003) Carroll & Graf
Jimmy Bench-Press: A Novel of Crime (December, 2002) Carroll & Graf
Eddie's World: A Novel of Crime (December, 2001) Carroll & Graf