Originally Posted By: Charlieopera
Benny, never saw a thing while growing up but heard about a lot while I was away in college (north dakota). A couple of friends were killed; a few from stupid stuff and brother of a friend was definitely a hit (not mob--drugs). Later in life I learned (through books and some guys I used to hang out with when I did some bookmaking) about guys who had been killed during the early 70's (while I was in college as well). Jerry Capecci's Murder Machine tells the Demeo story and one guy I knew personally (tough kid) was killed by someone from that crew.

On the other side of the coin, my mom's first cousin was killed by Tony Spilotro (or his crew) in Vegas. It's noted in Frattiano's book but they used his brother's name, not the cousin who was killed. I never met him, but the brother whose name they used I'd met several times.

damn Charlie, thats some heavy stuff man....sorry about cousin. i own the "Murder Machine" book, and i could only imagine which victim your friend was...that book is detailed and crazy. dont worry man, those guys that took your friend and cousin, got theres in return.... just look at how Spilotro and the Demeo crew ened up.... God is just.