Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Lansky may have been the most influential Jewish gangster of the 20th Century, but he wasn't the richest or most powerful. Lansky was reputed to be "worth $300 million," and that stuck with him forever. But he was one of the few gangsters who had a competent biographer. Robert Lacey, in his superb "Little Man-Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life," tracked down the $300 million figure to author Hank Messick, who said he heard it secondhand and used it because it was a sensational figure. In reality, says Lacey, Lansky at his peak was worth no more than $5-6 million--not chickenfeed, but hardly the stuff of $300 million. Lacey says Lansky lived to 81 and died peacefully because he never had either the power or the money to attract jealousy, resentment or greed of other mobsters, which invariably leads to murder. "He was the accountant, not the boss."

The wealthiest and most powerful Jewish gangster of the 20th Century (in terms of the reach of his criminal interests) was Louis Lepke Buchalter, followed by Abner (Longie) Zwillman and Dalitz.

Unless I missed something or you left something out in the quote you provided, I don't see a connection between the McDonald murder/suicide and Siegel's assassination. confused

when i said Lansky i ment in terms of brains and ideas, since he got alot of stuff movin. Buchalter was indeed powerful, but he wasnt smart enough to not get caught, and i know he turned himself in, but in my opinion Lansky had more brains than he did.

and youre right about the quote, what the hell was i thinkin, i accientlly left a bunch of stuff out. i cant find the exact quote right now, but in a nut shell the book says that MacDonald had run up a gamblin debt with Jack Dragna, and had owed him the dough for awhile. Dragna had told MacDonald, that if he carried out a hit for him, he would erase the debt. the hit ended up bein the Siegel hit. im goin to keep lookin for the exact quote so that you could read it for yourself.

Last edited by Benjamin_Bugsy_Siegel; 03/03/10 10:51 PM.