Contacts, contacts, contacts...
i need me a few of those. Reliable ones like.

Cool. Ive come to appreciate the fact that there's heaps of hyperbole and only a handful of reliable sources in regards to accurate information on present day Mob Families. We all know how dated 90% of the info available is. Of course we follow the articles by the authors, like Capeci, Anastasia, Deitch etc, and regularly check out our favourite sites, but i personally have managed to learn more, to further my own research devoloping leads & discovering new keywords to search with, scouring for articles on mobsters id previously never heard of, etc, etc - this through following & interacting with the posters on this organised crime/mafia message board.

Having said that, one sorta has to appreciate that with such few reliable sources, most if not all the accurate information comes from the same handful of sites sources. I mean, I live in bloody Australia! I'll never gonna be out there, investigating the families, in a trenchcoat & fedora, surveilling, staking out, building up my charts. Hell, even if i could, what am i, an idiot? Where the hell else am i gonna get information on a subject that interests me but from sources on the internet?

Still, id love like an ex-cop or author source like that. How sick would that be? That would be the shit.
