Holy Hell, how freakin' great is The Wire ?

I totally missed out when this was running, despite my mates and critics alike heaping praise on it. Finally, i caught an episode last week, and had to go out and by the series. Goddamn. I haven't watched so much T.V since I bought the first 3 seasons of Soprano's and watched them in a row.
(Actually, i did the same with Deadwood recently, so maybe not as long ago as i think.

For those who, like me until fairly recently, dont know about it, the series is a crime-drama set in Baltimore, Maryland.
Each series has a theme, and the first is particularly enticing, set amongst the rival drug gangs of the city. This stuff is gritty, it just drags you in. The later series go on to cover a range of themes.

Some great acting and casting. Alongside the numerous street gangs and drug-rings are various criminals, criminal groups and the police that pursue them, and the authorities they in turn answer to. In particular i really dig the Greek Mafia sub-plot, involving, funnily enough, a gang of Greek mobsters who come to the city and set up shop.

Aaargggh. I really cant describe how good this shit is. Ive heard it described as the best television show ever, and for me its definitly on par with The Soprano's, Oz, Brotherhood, and Carnivale (thats right Carnivale. Hey, dont knock it. I loved it. If only they didn't produce so many other great shows, i would have boycotted HBO for not giving me a third series. The Wire makes up for it though.)

The Wikipedia entry has a bunch of info, for anyone that wants to check out the casts or whatever.

Highy, highly reccomended. Highly.
