Originally Posted By: M.M. Floors
I didn't read all the stuff, just the last page. I see some interesting things going on. The posts of Capo and Santino are opposed to each other, but both make very clear how they 'see things' without flaming (or too much flaming).

Personally I don't believe in a God. The only person I believe in is myself. I'm the one who's responsible for my actions and for the things that happen/occur to me. For me there is always a logical reason for things that happen.

I agree Floors. However, I have an abiding respect for people who do believe in God and who are religious as long as that belief and that religiousness doesn't result in physical or mental harm to others (as those terms are usually understood). Some of the content of a couple of Board members posts on this subject have been replete with vitriole that betrays a deep wound somewhere along their life's line.

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