Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
I just finished "Bag of Bones." Amazing, but it made me cry, so I'm kind of annoyed with Stephen right now (haha)...it's so hard to pull yourself from his fictional world when the book's over!

There is something really incredible about the way he writes that makes a story so special. And though I love the spooky themes, I've really enjoyed when he takes a soft, nostalgic, and even sad tone in his writing.

Great book, Gina. A lot of reviewers have written that "Bag of Bones" is King's most "literary" novel. Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. In the eyes of the literary eggheads that review books, so called "genre" fiction has no business being mentioned in the same breath as "literary" fiction. That's why I can't stand critics. Those who can't do . . . teach. Those who can't write . . . critique.

But back to "Bag of Bones." From the very first page, you knew it would be a tear jerker. And Max Devore was one of King's more memorable villains. But I agree that the ending was very sad. Although you do end up hopeful:

Click to reveal..
Hopeful that Mike will adopt Kyra.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.