Originally Posted By: whisper
The thing I think about is, Scientists believe that the Universe is infinite, doesn't end. Why is that so much easier to believe then a God/Allah/Creator etc that is infinite? How does an infinite universe begin? It would have to have always been there cause there's no beginning or end...

I'm by no means a Bible basher/Coptic Soldier etc. I dislike religion etc, But to the non believers, will you guys whisper a silent prayer on your deathbed, just in case?

This is something that I have references concerning the existence of an eternal God existing within a separate reality or plane that is not bound by elements such as time, space, etc., which are creations of His in our world. While people search for concrete examples of His existence, they are, in fact, searching for human based methods and constructs (science, education, experimentation, philosophy) to ascertain the precise nature of God.

I disagree with the premise that faith is blind. If you look to scripture, precisely the writings of St. Paul, who was an ardent persecutor of Christianity until his dramatic conversion, he incessantly calls upon people to open their minds through learning and education to develop a deeper underrstanding of God through Christ.

My belief and faith did not merely result from blind acceptance of what I was taught, but from applying thought and rationality. Reason and faith coexist.