Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
VitoC, I've never understood that brand of Christianity. How is it possible that if you believe in Jesus, who came to Earth to sacrifice Himself to wash away our sins, that you could possibly condemn "non-believers" to hell?? That goes against all His teachings! He taught love, acceptance, tolerance, respect and humility. How can anyone interpret that to be "believe as I do, or go to hell?" It makes no sense to me.

It doesn't make sense, but that's how some people are. My mother told me that a woman once told her that her minister said that the Jews got what they deserved in the Holocaust for rejecting Jesus. I was thinking the same thing--how does compassion fit into a belief system like that? I'd hate to see wickedness if that's compassion!

Let me tell ya somethin my kraut mick friend!