Again, I return to the idea of substituting a belief in God for a belief in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

The latter believer will undoubtedly be judged by most as stupid and nonsensical.

When no more evidence for God exists than for fairies at the bottom of the garden, why shouldn't we hold it up to the same sort of rational scrutiny?

There's tolerance and there's bending-over-backwards liberalism that creates the sort of moderate environment in which fundamentalism and other more dangerous beliefs foster.

At the very least, a belief in a Grand Designer/Inventor/Maker is insidious.

Nobody has reasonably tackled or even tried to tackle some of my arguments in this thread.

Again, might we put this down to the notion that 'faith transcends all arguments on the contrary'?

Seems a bit of an intellectual cop-out to me. A faux pas if ever there was one. The unanswerable trump card. Balls.

That God 'works in mysterious ways' is no less a cop-out.

Why does God only exist to those who believe in him? Is he some sort of stubborn 'well if you don't want to be my friend you can fuck off' sort of moron? com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?