And I can't disprove that you're a pretentious wanker at times. smile The question is once again, besides the point. And you know that, so quit wanking me.
youve got to stop using that word if youre going to keep using it incorrectly you cant 'wank somebody' you 'give them a wank' or 'wank them off' i have other lessons of english slang to offer if you ever need them lol

Atheism is, in spite of its own logical trappings used to differentiate itself from the "superstitious" faiths, still in all words technically a theology. One just doesn't believe in God.
no this is like saying that those explorers who still believe the earth is flat despite all scientific evidence to suggest otherwise are still scientists are still explorers

it is ridiculous incorrect it is a fallacy once again

I despise the religious people who claim Atheists lack morals because they refuse to believe in the supernaturalism, and I despise the idea that maybe believing in an invisible guy in the sky is necessarily an insult to intelligence or rationality.
a belief in god in our contemporary socalled civilized and post enlightenment world is inherently antagonistic towards the intellectual development of mankind

it is also while we are at it inherently sexist which by default means it can never be fully progressive

Science and religion are two different systems of knowledge that can't replace and fulfill the needs of either. Which is why I get pissed when people talk about that bullshit Intelligent Design. Really, man tits. What's so smart about that design, Mr. God?
without science without that is the scientific endeavours by which we have arrived at our understanding of the world as we know it then were just another fucked up backward primitive race

without god however we are not by definition just another fucked up backward primitive race

your argument which isnt really an argument at all is typical of the moderate bendingoverbackwards fencesitter

it would do us all good to look at the socio historical origins and development of religion itself and why there are so many different and differing and inherently exclusive religions in the first place it is obviously due to some social need

if we wish to eradicate the backward social phenomena of religions and theisms we cant simply have a fight between those who believe and those who dont believe - the crusades not withstanding lolz - then we must look at such social relations and abolish those only then can we abolish the idea of looking at some entity in the sky in order to compensate for the otherwise meaninglessness of our pitiable lives

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?