Originally Posted By: yakuza

So he decide to kill Fredo in Havana, when he gave the death kiss.
Why he wanted Fredo to come with him to leave Havana, is because he wanted to dig deep in to the motives and to find out who was behind this. Which he later did in the boathouse.

Fredo was dead for him in Havana.....

There's no doubt that the "death kiss" was an unimistakeable "Sicilan message." You could argue that the kiss alone cemented Fredo's death, no matter what.

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Why then did Michael try so hard to persuade Fredo to come with him when Castro was taking over?

These two posts point up an anomaly (or a script weakness, to tell the truth):
Michael was frantic to get Fredo out of Havana with him that night--no doubt to pump him for more info on his treason, to see if anyone else was in on it. And the first thing Michael asks Tom when he returns to Nevada is, "Where's my brother?"

BUT: After being told that Fredo's in NY, Michael simply tells Tom to get word to him--when in fact he could have ordered Tom to arrange to snatch Fredo off the street immediately, or even have him whacked in NY. And, it seemed, Michael made no effort to contact Fredo until after his perjured testimony at the Senate hearing, which was weeks after his return from Havana. So, why did the urgency over Fredo suddenly disappear?

Although my view may not be the most logical, I believe that Michael might have considered giving his brother a pass, until Fredo's boathouse outburst. That show of rage, resentment and envy meant that there was no way to let Fredo live.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.