Originally Posted By: Feemce
i think it's very childish to laugh at such things even if they were just fictional characters...
sorry but it's just immature.

You're right!! At times there were some pretty bloody scenes, but to say the whole show was all blood and guts is crazy. If you noticed on my first post I said that's entertainment for you. Unfortunately that's the kind of stuff that sells these days. The Italian culture is also there if you took the time to notice it. Like when Tony takes his crew back to Italy, and Artie Bucco with his Italian cooking. About the charecters, there were people that had funny nicknames like Paulie Walnuts, Bobby Bacala etc. There were also some really funny lines in the show, like when Bobby asked Tony if he ever wondered about the backs of Notre Dame, he said "you got the hunchback, halfback, quarterback and fullback of Notre Dame." Then he said "what you never pondered that?" There were thousands of other lines that made me jump out of my living room chair with laughter. Even my friends told me they agreed with me on this. What is immature to me is bashing somebody elses opinions, and saying that they're childish. You have your opinions and I've got mine. I myself do respect other peoples opinions as long as they don't slam the things that I write.