Screw CGI, dude. If there ever is a GodFather IV, its got to match the level of acting of the previous ones, even if the story-line doesnt. Pacino could wear make-up like Brando did to appear as an elderly advisor to Vincent Corleone, the present boss of the Corleone family, who visits Michael in his Sicilian villa, in flashbacks of course, since he dies at the end of III. An older Andy Garcia could play Vincent as the boss of a modern crime family dealing with the breakdown of Omerta, the drug-scene and most importantly the RICO statutes.

He would need his trusted advisors and inner circle, Talia Shire is still alive, so why couldnt Connie Corleone be in there? She did sponser Vincent into the family after all. And Nick Cage played a Corleone button in III, he could reprise the role. Maybe Michael's son Anthony has another son, who becomes fascinated with his "Uncle" Vincent, and "Great Aunt" Connie's stories of his great-grandfather, enough to drift towards, to Anthony's consternation, the sort of "life" his Uncle lives.

Really though, if it was going to be done at all, the chances are it will disappoint. It would be built up so much that the expectations would be impossible to meet. Id get in line and buy my ticket to see it though.

But CGI? What are you, 12?
