The following letter to the editor in my paper this morning about gun ownership, and how it makes the world a safer place, makes absolutely no sense to me. The more guns that people own, the safer the world will be??? confused

A Haverstraw homeowner's judicious use of a firearm, as reported in Monday's article, "Haverstraw man shoots two home intruders," was justified under the Second Amendment. His use of that firearm was within the law. Kudos to that gentleman; these miscreant individuals just may think twice about doing this again.

On the same day, another article, "A new presidency drives up gun sales," bolsters the fear of the American citizen whose rights are threatened by the liberals. In that article, Jackie Hilly, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, insists that gun ownership will lead to catastrophic results, citing "scientific evidence." Not so, Ms. Hilly. Studies by major law enforcement entities have shown that the reverse is true.

Many studies conducted by major universities confirm that gun ownership is related to a lower incidence of crime.

Ms. Hilly, it's time that NYAGV own up to the fact that gun owners do help lower the crime rate.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club