A few random, trivial thoughts on the recent TCM offerings:

I can't remember when I've enjoyed so many of the "themed" movies in one day as I have while watching the Jean Arthur films.

Truly trivial - In "The Devil and Miss Jones" (a WONDERFUL, light hearted movie) the four main actors go to Coney Island and end up in the local police station. The collar buttons that the cops are wearing indicating the 60th Precinct are, in fact, the REAL precinct designations for that area!

I was disappointed in what TCM chose to represent Sinatra with... they could have forgotten some of those movies (although a few were good choices - "Some Came Running", "Never So Few", "Suddenly").

It was a nice way to see some of Peter Sellers' early roles ...

And yes, Ice, there aren't enough words to start explaining how good "Shane" is.
