Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Back to Latin. Anyone that went to Catholic School in the 50's 60's will know these (my spelling is a little rusty) ohwell

Angus Dei (Lamb of God?)
Kyrie Eleison Kyrie Eleison Eleison, Christi Eleison
Dominus Vobiscum (answered by etcum spirititua)

We had to go to mass every morning and we'd answer the Priest and sing the hymns (always off key). Our prayer books had all the mass in Latin. As time went on, one side of the page was Latin and one in English, until they got rid of the Latin altogether. If the Priest walked in the class room, we'd all have to stand and say, "Good morning Father."

That's the only place I used Latin.


Okay all you Catholics on the Board. What was the Angels telephone number? TIS knows it.

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