In that joke of a press conference last night, he described his healthcare plan by referencing "The Matrix" when he said, "If there's a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that's going to make you well?" By making that reference, I have to assume that he has seen "The Matrix". In the movie, the blue pill is the wrong choice - it would return Keanu to his world of ignorance and illusion. The red pill, which Barry doesn't want us to take, would allow Keanu to see the truth of his reality.

He completely mishandled the Robert Gates and Cambridge Police situation. He claimed to have not known all the facts, but still said that the cop acted "stupidly", basing that opinion that the arrest was about racism. It has been suggested here that Obama has been criticized because he's 1/2 black, but how come he gets away with the same sort of perceived racism?

For an avowed diehard fan of the Chicago White Sox, I found it funny that he called their former stadium "ComINskey FIELD", when every true fan knows that the actual name was Comiskey Park.

And he wears mom jeans.

"The Dewey Decimal System... What a scam that was!"