Originally Posted By: olivant
...Start with Mitt Romney and continue through the list to Ron Paul...


There, there ... I better slow down for you.
I said (or wrote), nom-in-ee.

Anyway, yes it is stated in Article II that one must be a natural born citizen to serve as President.

In fact there was some silly chatter several years ago, when Ahhhhnold Schwarzeneger was seeing better days as the newly elected Governor of CA, that an amendment be proposed that would enable the Austrian born Schwarzeneger to one day run for President, if he chose to do so. (Chances are we don't need to worry about THAT any longer...)

Now, President Barack Hussein Obama may very well be a 'natural born Citizen' of the United States...if only he'd produce that Certificate to prove it.

But then again, it obviously doesn't matter at this point.


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 07/23/09 08:13 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.