Originally Posted By: olivant
So,if handicaps are an attempt to level the playing field, what is the purpose of competition then based on one's ability?

Handicaps are used for the amateur golf "competitors"; not the pros. The pros do not have handicaps. They just have to win based on the number of strokes. But for the amateur to have some competitive fun the handicap system permits players of various ability to play against each other with the less skilled player having a "fighting chance" against a better player. Lets say you are a 9 handicap and I am an 18. You are on average 9 strokes better than me. We want to have a competitive match, but of course you would likely beat me. To make it more interesting and competitive, you will give me a stroke on the 9 hardest holes. So lets say in the #1 handicap hole you score a 5 and I score a 6. In the handicap system I get one stroke so I get a 5 also and we tie.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12