Originally Posted By: Don Andrew
Tom was German-Irish, he could never be "made." He was supposed to be handling the family's legal buisness at the time, so WTF is doing killing a boss? Idiocy. rolleyes

True that!!!!! He was the consigliere in the first Godfather movie, but when Michael Corleone became the boss he kicked him down to just an associate.

The LCN law used to be that you had to be full blooded Italian to be a made member. But now it changed. They got mafia members like John "Junior" Gotti of the Gambino's who is 3/4 Italian. Also Frank Salamme, Sr. was half Irish and became a family boss. His son Frank was even made, and he only had 1/4 Italian blood. Andy Campos of the Gambino's is half Puerto Rican and a family capo. These days you gotta at least have 25% Italian blood to get made. But you gotta put in more dirt then other associates and/or have a family member that is a made guy.

Last edited by DiMaggio68; 07/16/09 05:49 AM.