Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
young and vital but he can't throw a baseball

Yeah, Obama's throw was disappointing. He threw as though it was the first time he threw a ball. After the impressive opening ceremony which included the living Cardinal Hall of Famers with Stan the Man Musial being driven on the field, I was expecting an effort that was better than that of a 5 year old.

Also, when he joined the broadcast booth, he couldn't get out of there fast enough. When he was asked at the end of the inning whether he would stick around for the next segment, he turned around and said that he wasn't sure what time arrangements were made with his people, and that he may have to leave. He's the President of the United States, for crying out loud. He doesn't have to leave if he doesn't want to. He sets the travel and social agenda for the evening. He just couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Anyway, I think he's doing a good job in the Oval Office. Baseball is obviously not his thing.