Originally Posted By: Irishman12

I'd like to see Cryme Tyme get the belts. They're LONG overdue to receive them.

That's what sucks about the WWE regarding tag belts. No matter who has them, nobody gives a shit. WWE doesn't.

Why are Cryme Tyme over with their racist gimmick? I've never understood that. They don't stand out as wrestlers or actually done anything to warrant it...I don't get it.

Speaking of which, why is Carlito still employed?

Anyway, I'm digging the CM Punk/Jeff Hardy storyline. I mean Hardy the super-over crowd favorite and Punk the great wrestler that the crowd has just never gotten behind as a face...and Punk can turn, and make a legitimate argument (think Jericho last year with HBK) of how no matter what, the people won't love him or support.

And I loved Punk's snear at that promo last week regarding Hardy's past drug test-failing troubles.