DT, you bring up that fredo may have hired the hitters in gf 2, i have a few questions ( i'm not questioning your theory ) 1) if fredo did hire them, would'nt there be some kind of paper trail for fredo to cut them the money to them or would he have the funds avaialable to him to pay in cash? 2) if fredo did whack them how did he get the stones to whack them or did this come with the exposure he had with mike from gf1 to gf 2? 3) why was the button that was sent to kill roth one we know nothing about? wouldn't mike send someone to do the job that would finish with bungling the job? 4) after the scene in gf 1, where fredo trys to undermine mike, could moe reported this to roth and that's when they started to work on fredo? 5) how could have fredo contracted 2 hitters for such a high profile hit like mike's without it setting off some bells somewhere - unless roth suppiled them as 2 unknown buttons???? Observations - when he didn't know how to say banana dauquari, this could have been a ruse on fredo's part, to lure mike into a false sense of security, because the backdrop was still being set.

sorry, for the longwindedness.

Guiseppe Petri