OK, so after years of having different ideas for a GF4 bouncing around in my head, I finally decided to put pen to paper. I had originally written about 40 pages in script form but decided that prose would be better so I could get into the thoughts of the characters more. So now I am 65 pages in and I am screwed.

My biggest problem is handling the betrayals and the details involved. I want it to feel like the plot from the first 3 movies in that you know who is going against the family pretty much from the beginning but you don't really know how or why. Then there is the inner-workings of the family to cover.

Has anyone else run into these problems? I basically have a bunch of characters moving around like chess pieces, but with no solid motivation or connection to one another. I guess the Godfather plots are just too complex for a simple writer like me...

Last edited by DeathByClotheshanger; 06/30/09 02:10 PM.