Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Gingrich Controversy

After Obama nominated Sotomayor on May 26, Gingrich posted a blog saying, "A white man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw."

On June 3, Gingrich took back his description of her as a "racist," though he continued to criticize a 2001 speech by her as a "betrayal" of fundamental principles. In the speech, she suggested a "wise Latina" would reach "better" decisions than white males.

Republican lawmakers have sought to distance themselves from the "racist" claims of Gingrich and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Race baiting from Gingrich, whose party has not one African-American member in Congress.

These assholes make it so easy to stereotype middle aged and older white men as buffoons. Well, they don't speak for this 50 year old white man.


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