Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: olivant
Did anyone grow up eating rectangular pizzas? My mother made them in rectangular pizza pans. I never had a round one unless it was store bought.

That was a common way of serving pizza in Northeastern PA. Both thin and the thick crust.

But Kly, it's pronounced, tin and tick. Also in NE-PA they don't get a slice of pizza, it's a "cut". Old Forge pizza, huh? I still like Sabatini's better (Exeter, PA)

Atlantic City has an old Spaghetti/Pizza joint called Tony's Baltimore Grill. Great Pizza, and JoJo's makes an "Old Style Sicilian'; rectangle cuts, thin crunchy crust with sausage, red onions ...yum!

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12