Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Our rabbit Jack had to be put to sleep yesterday. He was 6 years old and had developed abcesses in his mouth. The vet did the humane thing but the kids were a bit upset. He is buried in our back garden now along with 2 other rabbits,2 cats and a dog. Talk about Pet Cemetery.....

When I was a kid, my neighbor, Pete, had a pet rabbit. Now this is in a Bronx tenement, mind you. One day he looked real sick when Pete was leaving for school and when he got home that night, he asked his father how's the rabbit? His father answers him in his broken English: He was delicious. Can you imagine?

That's a true story. You'd think that would've put me off rabbit for life, but I still like it. So Yogi, had you eaten him, you could've moved this into the food thread.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.