Originally Posted By: Freddie C.

I already know that you Obamamaniacs think its ok to befriend our enemies and will brush this off as no big deal, so spare me your "so what?" responses.

Did it ever occur to you that "talking to other world leaders", especially those that we disagree most, just might keep us out of another unnecessary war? might *gasp* improve relations? Because certainly strutting around like you're the only country that matters, calling countries axes of evil, invading another country based upon a lie isn't doing much good. Obama's demonstrating a good leader's starting point in resolving conflicts. He is saying can disagree, without being disagreeable, and the benefits of maintaining civility far outweigh your hysterical chest thumping based thinking that gets us nowhere.

What a sad state of affairs that some hysterical minds view the simple act of shaking hands as a "big deal" treason and makes Obama a socialist...sorry communist...sorry I mean fascist.....

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"